版權及免責聲明   Copyright and disclaimer


Following are the copyright notice for different types of content in this website:

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1. The copyright of files, photos and texts uploaded by users does not belong to this website. This website takes no responsibility for the upload of any infringing or illegal work by members. Members’ behavior does not mean the behavior of this website. This website has the right to use the files, photos and texts uploaded by users for publicity and promotion.

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2. Any website-related service such as including, by, linked or downloaded (collectively "the service"); the information, content or advertisements (collectively "data"); SBS Charity Fund Service Centre does not declare or guarantee their accuracy or reliability; and, for the information or data ("product") you purchased or obtained through the "services" of advertising, information or an offer on any product display, SBS Charity Fund Service Centre is not responsible for the quality assurance responsibilities. You hereby acknowledge and trust to bear any risk from any "data". SBS Charity Fund Service Centre has the right to but no such obligation for improvement or correction of errors or omissions of any part of "services" or "data".

3. 結伴同行慈善基金服務中心之服務與資料是基於「現況」及「現有」提供,而且結伴同行慈善基金服務中心明確地表示拒絕對於「服務」、「資料」或「產品」給予任何明示或暗示之保證,包括但不限於,得為商業使用或適合於特定目的之保證。

3. Services and information provided by SBS Charity Fund Service Centre is based on an "as is" and "as available", and SBS Charity Fund Service Centre expressly denies to grant any express or implied warranties regarding to "service", "data" or "product", including, but not limited to, guarantee for commercial use or specific purpose.

4. 結伴同行慈善基金服務中心對於因「服務」、「資料」或「產品」所生之任何直接、間接、附帶的或因此而導致之衍生性損失概不負責。

4. SBS Charity Fund Service Centre is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, or the resulting diffraction losses caused by "service", "data" or "product".

5. 結伴同行慈善基金服務中心鼓勵您於瀏覽網際網路時自行判斷以使用本網站「服務」。本網站或許會導引您至有些人認為是具攻擊性或不適當的文字。

5. SBS Charity Fund Service Centre encourages you to use discretion when browsing the Internet and to use the “services" of this website. This website may direct you to the language that some people may think it is offensive or inappropriate.

6. 結伴同行慈善基金服務中心並不負責檢視本網站中所提供或所列網站之內容,因此,結伴同行慈善基金服務中心對於該內容所涉及之正確性、著作權歸屬,或是其合法性或正當性如何並不負任何責任。

6. SBS Charity Fund Service Centre takes no responsibility for the accuracy, copyright, legitimacy or justification of the contents provided by this website or the contents of the third party websites linked to this website.

7. 結伴同行慈善基金服務中心所提供的所有服務,對於因技術錯誤或資料刪除後的損失,並不會負上任可責任。

7. SBS Charity Fund Service Centre takes no responsibility for the losses due to technical errors or data deletion with all services provided.

8. 結伴同行慈善基金服務中心在適當情況下,得自行決定終止侵害或違反他人權利之使用者的帳號或禁止指定的網際網絡地址進入本網站。如果您認為本站的內容侵犯了版權,請提供足夠的資料寄到info@sbscharityfund.org ,本站必會盡快處理。

8. In appropriate circumstances, SBS Charity Fund Service Centre can decide to terminate user's account which infringing or violating the rights of others or to prohibit specified Internet access to this website. If you think this website violates copyright, please provide enough information to info@sbscharityfund.org, we will process as quickly as possible.

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結伴同行慈善基金服務中心 © 2025