扶窮助展活動 Poverty alleviation work
Poverty alleviation work through capacity development and spreading out the work on positive thinking
i. 安排義工隊為基層兒童籌辦課餘活動及生日會,透過交流,互相成長。
Arrange volunteer work to provide after-school activities and social activities such as birthday parties for children from grass-root families.
ii. 安排義工定期探訪長者、與長者分享「正念」的力量、尋找贊助及相關服務為長者達成夢想。
Arrange volunteer work to provide services to elderlies, including regular visits and other related activities to help elderlies to realize their dreams.
iii. 透過手作、小組活動及義工服務培養青少年之自尊感及助人之心。
Provide trainings and group activities to young people in order to enhance their self-esteem and learn to treat others with a heart of compassion.